Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Silly Bunny~ ♥

Well, I bought a book on plush making long time ago, and finally recently I decided to give it a try. After a few failures and some research online... I present to you......S.I.L.L.Y B.U.N.N.Y!!!!


I named it that because it looks kinda silly~ and everyone knows why I picked a bunny for starters. >v<

This is my second bunny, the first one was pink color.

Yesterday, my niece pick up this bunny and K.I.S.S it!!!!! =///o///=
Oooohhhhh...... That made my day~ =v= I was sooooo happy, she never pay attention to my first pink bunny, but she like this purple Silly Bunny, so I would take it as an improvement (in fact, i think it is a big one, since she has so many nice toys and yet she notice Silly Bunny. Anyway, it's just me trying to convenience myself that I am getting better, so don't burst my bubble! =v=)

Now, I am making another one, also pink, but with poker dots! I hope this one turns out nice. Keep my fingers cross!!! >w<

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